The Osu Comprehensive Sports Park was built by Oita Prefecture in 1981 in cooperation with Oita city as green-space buffer between a residential area and an industrial area on the area formerly occupied by the old Oita Airport and as a place for sports and recreation. It is used by many people for walking and relaxation in this park surrounded by flowers and plants and equipped with various sports facilities, a sunken garden, and more.

Inside the park is the Oita City Comprehensive Gymnasium, an indoor sports facility equipped with a variety of amenities.

Directions and Maps

Osu Comprehensive Sports Park 1 Aobamachi, Oita 870-0908 Osu Comprehensive Sports Park / Phone: 097-551-2000 / Fax: 097-551-8409

Oita City Comprehensive Gymnasium 1 Aobamachi, Oita 870-0908 Oita City Comprehensive Gymnasium / Phone: 097-551-1511 / Fax: 097-551-1595

【 Arriving via Oita Bus 】

Distance: about 4 km from Oita Station

Board: Oita Station, Bus Stand 6. Board a bus bound for Osu Undo Koen

Alight: Osu Undo Koen, approx.. 15 minutes from Oita Station

【 Arriving via Taxi (from Oita Station) 】

Approx. 15 minutes

Parking Information

Free parking lots at Osu Comprehensive Sports Park are available for visitors to use the park and the park’s facilities. There are 868 spaces for cars, and 8 spaces for large buses and other large vehicles. Details for each parking lot are below

Directions and Maps

【 Parking Lot Locations and Number of Spaces 】

  1. Parking Lot 1 316 spaces
  2. Bus Parking Lot 6 large space, 2 small spaces
  3. Urakawa Riverside Parking Lot 218 spaces
  4. Kyudo Dojo Parking Lot 20 spaces
  5. Urakawa Riverside Corner Parking Lot 24 spaces
  6. Former Hovercraft Landing Parking Lot 25 spaces
  7. Parking Lot 2 265 spaces
    *Parking Lot 2 can only be accessed via the Urakawa Riverside Corner Parking Lot. There is no access from the south side of the park

During high school baseball tournaments, professional baseball games, and when multiple events are taking place at the same time, we expect large numbers of spectators, leading to full parking lots. We recommend carpooling or coming to the park via other forms of transportation.